photo by @marsk on instagram

We returned from a two week drive across the country in our outfitted for camping van. The trip was so wonderful in visiting places and sites we had never seen and making new friends who inspire us to do more with greater intent.
So post Covid we noticed gone are the small town cafes. People must have food and fellowship to thrive in their communities, but it was amiss.
I am sure not a Debby Downer, but this was a revelation showing where we are all at this moment and it broke my heart.

No small town cafes. We love a good pass with the locals in a small town. The food can be a crapshoot from the grandma tried and true recipes to the frozen Sysco food examples, but it was dependable that you could get a pulse of a town.

I hope there will be a savior of the towns who will float a new cafe when a clearing can be seen for the locals to gather and give the weary traveler a watering hole.

