photo by William Baker
My friend William Baker sent me this photo and knew just how much I would love it. I love nothing more than good “Make Do” sensibilities. I would give this lady a prize for just how much she got covered with the use of that cart.
You know I’ve always wanted to give out my own prizes. To the people and places I see who have the “make do” mastered or have made strong contributions to happiness. My friend Dottie Love would have gotten a prize or two from me. In addition to her many masterings of “Make Do”, her contributions to happiness are numerous.
Years ago she turned me on to John Prine and his music. I recall evenings with Dottie, her husband Tom, myself and my husband Bruce all sitting under the stars in Dottie’s homemade giant satellite swimming pool while listening to John Prine and his numerous songs, but especially “Illegal Smile”.
Not that John Prine would ever need a prize from me as his prizes were numerous, but I bet his biggest prize was the happiness he received from his own words. He understood the human race and it’s one step forward and two steps backwards way. He found humor in our fumbles and our accomplishments. He was someone who mastered the idea of just not taking it to serious.
It is hard to not take it too serious and stay lightly walking across the iced lake of life. We tend to all easily fall in. But not John Prine.
A young lady I know made a comment about Prine being overlooked and under appreciated. I think that wraps up John Prine. He wasn’t for everyone. Not everyone can laugh at themselves and see the joy in not taking it too serious. He not only mastered attitude, but had the amazing gift of putting it into words and songs.
Thanks for the gifts you left you left behind John Prine. Of course you had a Christmas tree up all year round in your office.