Our dogs are well aware of their standing here. We never had kids and they dictate so many decisions. Bruce is the complete sucker (don’t tell him I exposed him and he won’t read this). But it’s true. We are tuned in to the animals and they know it. Don’t think it is just our animals either. It’s all of them out there. I can tell the way they look at me after the sniff down.
I recently added James Harold Jennings to our website and have been thinking all week about the love his cats had for him. They adored that man. You could see it and feel it. And he even had a language with them that i could admire but not understand. It was a total other language and it made me love James Harold Jennings even more.
He was someone who let life lead him and didn’t seem to question the paths. He was a projectionist at a drive in movie theatre. It transformed to a porn theatre at some point and he just continued for the work and whatever. The whatever influenced his future artwork hands down.
At some point he quit the projectionist job and stayed at his land with his two school buses and his cats and just made art. Art that was lead by his life and his experiences. There was no fear only adventure, documentation, and research through his art explanations.
Yet another time when I reflect on those in life who have it and I can only learn from it.
Thank you James Harold Jennings.