We met Prince Zaar when there was an exhibit of his work at a local college. Our friend Glenn told us that he knew we must see the exhibit and met Prince Zaar.  He was right!  We had never seen any pieces like these nor met a man like Prince Zaar.
Prince Israel Zaar is an American citizen who immigrated to the United States of America in 2005. Born in 1975, from a palace that is today an international museum in African art.  Prince is the son of His Royal Highness Christopher Suleman Zofoa II.
Prince Zaar  left the Royal life which he felt was imbalanced to study Law and Political Science in the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon and later settled in to Texas to obtain Degrees in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 
Prince is multilingual, multidimensional, positive, and innovative in his vision and mission.  He believes that within the human being rest an intelligent mind capable of sailing beyond its sphere and universe. Prince is the founder of a new philosophy called Zaarrianism – which sees humanity and the world through the prism of Multiversality, rather than Universality. It simply challenges human intelligence or endeavor to journey beyond the universe. Zaarrianism holds the view that human existence or exploration should not be limited to this universe.
Prince Zaar refers to his work as Trianglerism and speaks of the medium of his artwork as Penology, is a penograhical representation expressed through the media of drawing. Trianglism is a visual expression of Zaarrianism. Hidden within the art are decipherable or undecipherable numbers, codes, symbols, graphics, and words which can be used for engineering, programing, and architectural technologies of the future.
Prince Zaar believes that to enhance our connective intelligence and complex problem solving, Trianglism will serve mathematicians, programmers, engineers, technocrats, psychologist, physicians, innovators, leaders, and humanity in general. Through his drawings, Prince gives the viewer puzzles or problems to solve. He challenges the viewer to balance an imbalance, or to turn a negative causality into a positive causality.  
We exhibited Prince Zaar's work at the Outsider Art Fair this year and folks were amazed.  We will include Prince's work in our upcoming exhibit opening here at the gallery June 11, 2017.

Prince Zaar in front of one of his pieces......